Thursday, February 08, 2007
  "You May Be Living in a Meth Lab!" what a friend blurted out to me today with the intention to make me more paranoid about the extent of my roomates' extracurricular activities and to make me laugh, because, after all, laughter is what friends are for. I used to think that one of my roomates was a good friend, but lately she has not been making me laugh, but making me want to scrap the gelatinated peelings of carrots and broccoli specks found on my kitchen floor that were neglected by her attempts to clean up after herself and place said vegetable bits in and on her toothbrush. I barely sleep at my house anymore because my living situation provokes me to expend a ridiculous amount of mental energy on devising plots that are individualized for grossing her out!

That being said, I may be moving out in the next month. I look forward to this as my chance to finally live by my lonesome, which is a subject that merits a five-page paper.

CONCLUSION: Need to find a cozy, in-town love nest for one...

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