Monday, April 16, 2007
This is it. I must remember--tatoo this on my forehead, create some sort of visible scar--that life is full of changes and never set in stone. I'll forget this, but for now, it's the cloud above my head. I used to think that things had to die in order to live again or be reborn...that's too morose for me right now, so I look at this as a change on some continuum where I don't have to get lost in order to rediscover. This is me, not believing what I say.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
  Things to do...
~Understand the innards and outards of building a natural water purification system so that when global warming reaches a new height of terror--drying up 40% of the world's water supply in the form of mountain glaciers and causing the people below to 1) go apeshit because there isn't enough drinking water, there isn't enough water for the crops, there aren't enough resources, 2) hostily immigrate to the United States because they know people water their lawns five hours/day at the height of summer, and 3) help us consume copious amounts of H2O--I will be prepared.

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