Sunday, February 24, 2008
  Have you ever had your emails subpoenaed?
I haven't been posting as much as I would've liked to this past week, which isn't to say I haven't been drawing/painting. I've been busy worrying about job-related situations that I have no control over really, but still decide to worry about. One situation involves a student of mine whose parents are terrible creatures who just need to rot in hell. Social services was called to beat down her parents (i wish)...since then, this student has not been in school. It's been 1 week, and I am nervous, anxious, because what the fuck happened to her???. Another situation involves another dreadful parent who can't accept that her daughter is not eligible for special services. This parent wants her child to be disabled as insurance in case high school is too hard. Fuck that. So, here I am, having to be interviewed by lawyers, have my emails scanned, and be pulled out of teaching. To be honest, it has been a depressing 2 weeks because my idealism has been rattled. But, as my father put it, that is the real world.

Okay, so, I finally transported the 5' x 42" canvas to my house. Here is a before picture, as in, before it will be slapped with gesso:

Tomorrow, I will gesso the canvas, let it dry for 24 hours, and then...upload more art...
Wow. Sounds like a rough time with those kids. Hang in there! I'm sure it'll get better.
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